Tony Tony Chopper Tony Tony Chopper is the crew's 15-year-old doctor and the fifth to join. He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human properties by eating the Devil Fruit Human Human Fruit ( Hito Hito no Mi). He is capable of conversing with humans and animals alike. He is very naïve and has a tendency to believe anything told to him. And he is incapable of hiding his feelings. His dream is to create a cure for all the world's diseases. When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless. An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series, and said he was able to be both touching and funny. In the most recent Japanese Fan Poll, Chopper is the fourth most popular character.Chopper is voiced by Ikue O-tani in the Japanese version of the anime.In the English dubs, he is voiced by Lisa Ortiz for 4Kids, by Emlyn Morinelli for Odex[citation needed] and by Brina Palencia for Funimation. His Devil Fruit gives him the ability to almost instantly transform in certain ways. His first and original form is that of a blue nosed reindeer. His second form's proportions are quite similar to that of a human child, but has antlers and hooves among other things. The third form gives him a werehuman-like appearance and height. It is the most human form he can assume, as it leaves him with only a reindeer-like face and bodyfur to distinguish him from real human beings. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball, which allows him four additional transformations to use over a three minutes period. These forms focus certain parts of his body to improve his physical abilities. If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he can't control his transformations; if Chopper uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into monstrous version of himself and loses self-control. This form is called Monster Point and is extremely powerful, but also has the adverse effect of draining Chopper's life force. When he awakens he does not remember anything done during the forms destruction.
These are images of what he looks like in his many forms Without Rumble Ball Walk/Brain point Walk This is Chopper's point that looks like a normal reindeer useful for general travel on foot and apparently the only form that chopper ages in Brain He is smarter in this form and he can also scope out an enemy's weakness in this form Chopper is often mistaken for a tanuki (racoon dog) in this form Devil Fruit techniques in this point: Scope A technique in which he concentrates and scans his opponent to find their weakness Heavy point This point gives him a werehuman-like appearance and height. In this form, nearly all of Chopper's reindeer physical characteristics are gone. Only Chopper's blue nose and parts of his fur remain. This form also gives chopper super-human strength which comes handy in battle it is often mistaken for the Abominable Snowman or a gorilla Devil Fruit techniques in this point: Heavy Gong A basic punch to the face Robi-Cho Suplex A technique that can be done by Chopper and Robin while Chopper is in Heavy Point. After Chopper grabs an opponent in Heavy Point, Robin sprouts leg after leg under Chopper's feet with Pierna Fleur. When a desired height is achieved, Chopper would jump Robins hands and crush the opponent's head in a suplex move. Frapper Gong A technique that can be done with Chopper and Franky while Chopper is in Heavy Point. Used in conjuction with Franky's Strong Hammer move, Chopper and Franky both simultaneously punch an opponent's face With Rumble Ball Jump point Chopper keeps his reindeer legs in a human-like form, which allows him to jump long distances this point has no techniques it has only been used for evasive purposes only so far Guard point Chopper's fur grows out and covers his entire body leaving only his head and two legs visible Chopper is able to withstand against most outside attacks with this impenetrable shield. This form's fur also can only withstand certain types of attacks. This means any attack that is too powerful for the fur to withstand can damage Chopper even while he is in this form hile this form's defensive capabilities are high, it doesn't seem to allow Chopper to perform any sort of attack. So in order to attack, Chopper has to change to another form. In the Anime however, Chopper has been depicted attacking in this form. By using the form's dense fur, Chopper attacks an enemy like a large furry moving boulder Horn point A form similar to Jumping Point but with larger and sharper antlers. In this form, Chopper's human arms are retained and also become bulkier in order to compensate with the large load upon his head. With these huge antlers, Chopper can use them for a variety of ways, such as using them as a large shovel Devil Fruit techniques in this point: Hissatsu Uso-Cho Hammer Suisei (Sure-Kill UsoCho Hammer Comet) A combo attack between Usopp and Chopper, Chopper transforms into his Horn Point form and Usopp uses Choppers antlers and a large rubberband as a slingshot to fire the hammer Usopp uses for his Usopp Hammer attack at the opponent with tremendous force Roseo Colonnade (Sakura Colonnade) An attack used when Chopper is up against several opponents at once, he chases his opponents and tosses them in the air with his horns. When they land their head ends up embedded in the ground and their body sticking straight up out of the ground Arm point In this form, Chopper's forearms become powerful enough to inflict a great amount of damage. They are capable of destroying a huge rock with one punch. They also have a certain amount of durability Devil Fruit techniques in this point Kokutei Roseo (Carving Hoof Sakura) Chopper punches the opponent with such a force that his hoof leaves an imprint in his victim that looks like a sakura petal. Kokutei Cross(Carving Hoof Cross) another punching attack where Chopper hits his opponent with insane force, but this time he puts both hooves together at the right or left side of his body wrist to wrist. When he strikes he spreads his "fingers" apart so that the imprint left in the opponent's body looks like an 'X' with a force equaling to at least twice that of the normal Kokutei Roseo. Kokutei Roseo Metel (Sakura Snowstorm) one of Chopper's strongest attack. Chopper starts off by putting his hooves together on the right side or left side of his body, as if setting up for a Kokutei Cross attack, then he runs or jumps towards his opponent, and hits the opponent over their entire body with a barrage of Kokutei Roseo punches. The hoof-mark imprints look like a large group of falling sakura petals Army De L'air Kokutei Roseo Shoot (Air Force Carving Hoof Sakura Shoot) While in Arm Point, Chopper jumps onto Sanji's legs. Chopper is then propelled towards an an opponent by Sanji's kick. With force of Sanji's kick and the force of his own arms, Chopper creates a giant sized hoof imprint larger than he does normally with Kokutei Roseo Kokutei Diamond Similar in principle to Kokutei Cross, Chopper punches an opponent while he holds his hooves close together. The result leaves an imprint that looks like a diamond Monster point This form appears to be a combination of all Chopper's points, not including Brain Point Heavy Point stance, Arm Point strength, Walk Point speed, Horn Point horns, Jump Point legs, and Guard Point hair the form also has hands unique to all the others; he retains five fingers analogous to a human's, but each digit is replaced by a thick, long, black hoof in the shape of a finger this form being that of a true monster; a danger to friend, foe, and even Chopper himself.The only way to end this form is by either when a unspecified amount of time has passed when the Rumble Ball wears off, or when Chopper's Devil Fruit powers are negated by standard Devil Fruit weaknesses such as water. Either way, Chopper is rendered temporarily unable to move once he returns to normal due to stress placed on his body. According to Zoro's observation, this transformation appears to be lethal to Chopper, as the amount of energy needed to maintain the form is too much for his body to handle, thus it is only used as an absolute act of desperation.